Another World 20th Anniversary Edition

This ain’t a review… this was 20th Anniversary Edition was released way back 2013 for Steam so more or less people already reviewed this, plus this is a technically remaster, originally released for the Amiga and Atari ST, later on Apple II and DOS… as well as SNES and Sega Genesis, so if you are any kind of gamer that you claim you are, you should at least already know what this game is.

I saw this on sale today in Steam, and I was unaware that they made a 20th anniversary special, let alone, release it on PC. So, seeing it at 75% (Until this September 8, 2015), I thought of revisiting one of the games I loved in SNES… back when I was still really a console gamer. Fret not master race, I have been in the cult of PC gaming since 1998… better thank Baldur’s Gate for that.

Ah, that familiar scene. As you can see, the graphics are not too pixelated as the original and has a higher quality background.

First off, the graphics as well as the sounds have been remastered, but the good thing for those purists, you can also choose to have the original graphics and sounds. However, having years of not playing this, it helps that the graphics have been updated so I can tell where I am going at times.

The main reason why I got this was for the nostalgic feels… the nostalgic rage quit feels.

We meet again… world. And beast.

Boy, I nearly forgot what made me SOO frustrated about this game. This and Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee have the same gameplay that being trial and error, where the latter happens a lot. Way too much. And both games are still my favorite sentimentally in spite of the difficulty and rage quit moments.

It is nice to revisit this game with updated graphics and sound, but still have that gameplay intact. In fact, when I just raged quit not too long ago as I am typing this (around 30minutes ago I raged quit), showed how much this game hasn’t changed in that aspect, and somewhere in me, a 6-7 year old (I didn’t play this game until 1995/1996 in SNES) is rage quitting all over again… and still enjoying this game nonetheless.

If you haven’t played this way back in the day, go ahead, get it in Steam for 75% off until September 8, 2015. You may regret it because of the challenges it gives… but you are compelled not to be defeated by the game. So when you do finish this game… the sense of accomplishment is certainly there.



Take note that when you play in fullscreen 1920×1080, there are vertical black bars on either side of the screen. Not sure why, I will try and figure out as to make it tru fullscreen. But overall it doesn’t deter from the actual experience.

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2 thoughts on “Another World 20th Anniversary Edition

  1. It’s not really relevant but I remember my step father trying to play this when I was a kid. There was a moment where you were tasked with leaping from one ledge to another, but everytime he tried he kept falling. But it was the vigerous consistency at which he failed that kept me laughing for hours!


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